Version 2.1 16 March 2006 Page 21 of 33
Vega Gateway Scenarios. ©2005-2006 VegaStream Ltd.
Examples are given in best faith – ensure that you check the capabilities of systems before
deploying them, especially the functionality of devices not designed and delivered by VegaStream.
Consider VPN between sites as this:
- removes any issues with firewalls / NAT
- encrypts audio and management data
• Vega gateways use the ECMA 333 standard for tunnelling QSIG
User experience
• There is no change to the existing user experience. The information provided between
PBXs is identical, so the PBXs see no change at all.
The user experience is defined only by the PBX capabilities.
QSIG signalling and QSIG-like signalling are supported by the Vega
• Point-to-point trunking
rather than fully meshed
connection of Vega gateways may be
needed if:
- the protocol is QSIG-like and not fully QSIG compatible (some manufacturers use QSIG
as a basis for their inter-PBX connectivity, but retain certain proprietary elements)
- PBXs send calls for specific destination PBXs to specific trunks
• QSIG from different manufacturers may have proprietary elements. If QSIG PBXs would
not talk together when connected with a leased line, they will not operate together when
connected using VegaStream QSIG tunnelling.
Future extensions
party product choices
• -
‘point-to-point trunking’ means that all calls on a specific Vega trunk will be routed to a specific destination trunk on a specific
destination Vega gateway
‘fully meshed’ indicates that on a call by call basis the Vega gateway can select the appropriate IP endpoint to send the QSIG
data to.
VoIPon Solutions www.voipon.co.uk sales@voipon.co.uk Tel: +44 (0) 1245 600560