9 PolyScience Vacuum Sealing Systems
Event Digital Display Example
Power On
Last selected seal time (0 to 9)
Select Mode: 1 (Normal) or 2 (Extended)
appears on display for two seconds
Vacuum step: The individual LED
segments around the display light
in a clockwise rotation until the
vacuum step is complete
Hold step: The letter “H” appears
on display while the vacuum is held
Individual LED segments around the
digital display light in a clockwise
rotation until the vacuum is complete
Vacuum cycle: The individual LED
segments around the display light
in a clockwise rotation until vacuum
is complete
Seal cycle: Counts down from seal
time setting to 0
Pulse Button Pressed and Held:
The individual LED segments
around the display light in a
clockwise rotation until the Pulse
button is released
Pulse Button Released: The letter
P appears on the display