1-20 2001 Pontiac Aztek
Door Frame
(Center Pillar)
Installation Procedure
1. Cut the replacement Center Pillar
in corresponding locations to fit the
remaining original panel. The
sectioning joint should be trimmed
to allow a gap of one-and-one-half
times the metal (1) thickness at the
sectioning joint.
2. In the Center Pillar, create a 50 mm
(2 in.) backing plate (1) from the
unused portion of the Door Frame
Opening. Trim the backing plate as
necessary to fit behind the
sectioning joint.
3. In the rocker locations, create a 100
mm (4 in.) backing plate (2) from
the unused portion of the door
frame opening. Trim the backing
plate as necessary to fit behind the
sectioning joint.
4. Drill 8 mm (5/16 in.) plug weld
holes along the sectioning cut on
the remaining original part.