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WARNING: Failure to follow all
Safety R ules and Precautions can result in
serious injury.
S Read y ourinstructionmanual c arefullyuntil
you completely understand and can follow
allwarningsand s afetyrules beforeoperat-
ing the unit.
D Restrict unit to users who understand and
will follow all warnings and safety rules in
this m anual.
WARNING: Inspect the area before
starting the unit. Remove all debris and hard
objects such as rocks, glass, wire, etc. that
can ricochet, be thrown, or otherwise cause
injury or damage during operation.
D Use your unit as a blower for:
D Sweeping debris or grass clippings from
driveways, sidewalks, pa tios, etc.
D Blowing grass clippings, straw, o r l eaves
into piles, around joints, or between bricks.
D Al ways wear e ye pro tection when ope rating ,
servicing, or performing maintenance on unit.
Wearing eye pr otection will help to pr event
rocks or debris from being blown or ricochet-
ing into e yes and face which can result in
blindness and/or serious injury . Eye protec-
tion should be marked ANSI Z87.
D Always wear foot pro tection. Do not go
barefoot or wear sandals.
D Always wear respirator or face mask when
working with unit in dusty environments.
D Secure hair above shoulder length.Secure
or remove jewelry, loose clothing, or cloth-
ing with loosely hanging straps, ties, tas-
sels, etc. They can be caught in moving
D Do not o perate unit when you are t ired, ill, up-
set, or if you are under the influence of alco-
hol, drugs, or medication.
D Keep children, bystanders, and animals
away from work area a minimum of 30 feet
(10 meters) when startingor operatingunit.
Do not point blower nozzle in the direction
of people or pets.
D Elim inateall sources of sparks orflame (in-
cluding smoking, open flames,or work that
cancausesparks)intheareaswherefueli s
mixed, poured, or stored.
D M ix and pour fuel in an outdoor area; store
fuel i n acool, dry,well ventilated place; usean
approved, marked container for all fuel pur-
D Do not smoke while handling fuel or while
operating the unit.
D M ake sure the unit is properly assembled
and in good operating condition.
D Do not fillfuel tank while engine is running.
D A void spillingfuelor oil. Wipe upfuel spillsbe-
fore starting engine.
D M ove atleast 10feet (3 meters) away from
fuel and fueling site before starting engine.
D Always store gasoline in a container ap-
proved for flammable liquids.
D Inspect unit before each use for worn,
loose, missing, or damaged parts. Do not
use until unit is in proper working order.
D Keep outside surfaces free from oil and
D Never start or run engine inside a closed
room, building or other unventilated area.
Breathing exhaust fumes can kill.
D To avoid static electricity shock, do not
wear rubber gloves or any other insulated
gloves while operating unit.
D Do not set unit on any surface except a
clean, hard area while engine is running.
Debris such as gravel, sand, dust, grass,
etc. couldbepickedupby theairintakeand
thrown out through discharge opening,
damagingunit,property ,orcausingserious
injury to bystanders or operator .
D Avoiddangerous environments.Do notuse
in unventilated areas or where explosive
vapors or carbon monoxide build up could
be present.
D Donot overreach or use fromunstablesur-
faces such as ladders,trees, steep slopes,
rooftops,etc.Keep firmfooting andbalance
at all times.
D Never place objects inside the blower
tubes; always direct the blowing debris
objects such as trees, automobiles, walls,
etc. T heforceofaircancauserocks,dirt,or
sticks to bethrown ortoricochet which can
hurt people or animals, break glass, or
cause other dam age.
D Never run unit without the proper equip-
ment at tached. Whenusingyourunit asa
blower, always install blower tube.
D Check airintake openingandblower t ube
frequently, always with engine stopped
andspark plugdisconnected. Keepvents
and discharge tubes free from debris
which c anaccumulateand restrictproper
air flow and cause damage to the unit.
D Never use forspreading chemicals, fertil-
izers, or other substances which may
contain toxic materials.
D To avoid spreading fire, do not use near
leaf or brush fires, fireplaces, barbecue
pits, ashtrays, etc.
D Useonlyforjobs explainedinthismanual.
D Have all maintenance other than the rec-
ommended procedures describedin thein-
struction manual per formed by an autho-
rized service dealer.
D Disconnect spark plug before performing
maintenance except for carburetor adjust-
D UseonlyrecommendedWeed EaterŽparts;
use of any other parts may void your war-
ranty and cause damage to your unit.
D Empty the fuel tank before storing the unit.
Use up fuelleft incarburetor by starting the
engine and letting it run until it stops.