20 Printing Discs on a PC
5. Along the Vertical axis of the printed disc, find the number
whose lines touch. For example, in the above illustration,
Enter the number 2 into the Vertical box of the Calibration
window and 0 for the Horizontal axis.
6. Select the OK button. Your images should now be centered
when printed on a disc.
After your selections have been made, close out of the
printer setup window. You are now ready to go to an
application program and print. All printer driver selections
will stay the same until you change them.
Enable Ink Low Warning
This setting lets you enable or disable the warning from the
printer to tell you when the ink cartridges are getting low.
Clean/Change Cartridges & Check Ink Levels
Select this button to display the current ink levels as well as
options for cleaning and changing cartridges.
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