
hexadecimal Base sixteen numbering system. Digits are represented by
the characters 0 through 9 and A through F.
interface The connection between the printer and the host computer.
LCD Liquid-crystal display.
LED Light-emitting diode.
line pitch The vertical spacing of characters. Measured in lpi.
lpi Lines-per-inch.
LQ Letter Quality.
MSB Most-significant bit or byte. In a character, this refers to bit
seven (of 0 to 7).
octal Base eight numbering system. Digits are represented by the
characters 0 through 7.
offline Refers to the state of the printer when the "ONLINE"
indicator is off and the printer does not respond to the host
online Refers to the state of the printer when the "ONLINE"
indicator is on and the printer is responding to the commands
and text received from the host computer.
OQ Optical Quality.
parity A method used for detecting errors within a single character
transmitted or received via an interface.
reset Initialization of various operating parameters of the printer to
the value or state assumed when the printer is powered on.
top of form The vertical position where the first line is printed on the
paper. Also the position the paper is advanced to when a
form feed (FF) character is received from the host or the
Form Feed button is pressed on the printer's control panel.
tractors Devices which control the movement of the paper through
the printer.