Trouble Shooting
4.1 No circulation in developer or fixer baths
• Circulation pump runs but no circulation can be registered. Air lock in heating
and circulation system. To ventilate: see “1. Test run” on page 8 item b).
• Particles in the pump chamber. The pump chamber can be easily opened by
removing the four screws. Before opening the pump drain the bath. After
cleaning re-close and ensure that the seal is correctly re-inserted and not
• Pump does not run. Check voltage on the connections X3 and X4 of the
power PCB. If no voltage can be registered, see see “Mains switch “ON” - no
function” on page 39. If however voltage can be registered, exchange pump.
4.2 Developer bath temperature is not reached
4.3 Developer bath temperature is higher than the set temperature, display
shows two crossbars, developer temperature button blinks
• see above
• Check current on power PCB at clip X13. There may be no current. If current
is registered, exchange electronics.
4.4 Developer bath temperature too high or too low (display shows values of
20 °C or 42 °C)
• Check temperature sensor. Sensor is either not connected or defective.
4.5 Calibration of bath temperature / actual bath temperature is different
from displayed value
Differences between displayed temperature and measured value in the developer
bath can be adjusted. An adjustment may be necessary for example after exchang-
ing the bath temperature sensor. A calibration has to be done, if the difference is
higher than +/- 0.5 °C. Adjustment range is +/- 2 °C.
Calibration process
1. Switch processor off. While pressing developer temperature button switch
machine on. Display will show developer bath temperature measured by sen-
2. Measure actual temperature inside developer bath using a calibrated ther-
3. At first adjust displayed value in 1-degree-steps using the arrow buttons and.
To adjust the decimal, hold developer temperature button down and press
resp. arrow-button.
4. Switch machine off again.
• No circulation:
1) Circulation pump has no current or is defective.
2) Air in circulation system: see “1. Test run” on page 8 item b).
• Check temperature safety switch on heat-exchanger. For temperatures up
to 90°C, the temperature limiter must have current passage.
• Check heating element: Current flow resistance should read approx. 66 Ω.
• Check temperature sensor: Voltage at X25 on the control unit between pin 3
(green) and pin 2 (brown). The value should read 0. 32 V at a temperature
of 32 °C.
• Increase the temperature and check the current on the control unit of clip
X13. Voltage should be between mains and 60 Volts. If this is not the case,
exchange the electronics.