Creating New Nodes
User’s Guide 61
Figure 38. The Output Node Properties Dialog
You can send a constant value or the contents of a register or file. When send-
ing data to the system, you can use special commands that sound a beep, set
the system date or time, or reconfigure the portable. You can also send com-
mands to the display to reposition the cursor or erase the display.
Figure 38 on page 61 shows an Output node properties dialog.
Information to Output Tab
Output To specifies the channel over which data is sent.
Output To Select an option to Output To.
Display Writes the data to the portable’s screen, starting at the current cursor
position. You can also send special commands to position the cursor
on the display.
Serial Sends the data over the portable's serial port to a connected PC (to
upload a file, for example).
System Sends the data to the portable's operating system. This option is used
with special commands that sound a beep, set bar code parameters,
set serial parameters, or set the system date or time, etc.
2342.book Page 61 Thursday, July 22, 2004 8:35 AM