Chapter 6 Managing the File System
Managing File System Operations
StorNext User’s Guide 98
Unlabeling a Device 6
Use the following procedure to unlabel a disk device.
1 After selecting from the Disk Devices box the device you want to
unlabel, click Unlabel. A message warns you that the device will be
unusable after unlabeling.
Figure 62 Unlabel Warning
2 Click OK to close the warning window and proceed, or click Cancel
to abort the unlabeling process. If you click OK, a status window
3 Click Close when the status displays Success. The Label Disk
Device screen now shows the device with no label name.
Probing a Device
Use the following procedure to probe a disk device.
1 After selecting from the Disk Devices box the device you want to
probe, click Probe. The Probe Disk Device Status window appears.
2 Click Close when the status displays Success.
Note: If you decide later to make an unlabeled device usable by
the StorNext File System, you must first relabel the device.
The relabeling process is identical to labeling initially, as
described in Labeling a Device
on page 96.
Note: The probe should light the disk or RAID.