Disk Naming Requirements
StorNext User’s Guide 338
Beginning with StorNext 3.1.2, the GUI has been modified to handle all
known issues with file names containing these non-standard characters.
Still, Quantum strongly recommends against deliberately using these
characters in filenames.
If the GUI encounters a filename containing a “less-than-32” ASCII
character, the character is rendered in the display as in the following
• A horizontal tab is shown as “__0x09__”.
• A line feed is shown as “__0x0A__”.
• A carriage return is shown as “__0x0D__”.
The following additional characters should be avoided in “mixed”
environments containing both Windows and non-Windows clients,
because Windows will not be able process any file or directory with these
characters in the name:
? \ < > “ : |
Disk Naming Requirements
When naming disks, names should be unique across all SANs. If a client
connects to more than one SAN, a conflict will arise if the client sees two
disks with the same name.
General Operating Guidelines and Limitations
Table 1 lists updated information and guidelines for running StorNext, as
well as known limitations.