Chapter 11 Data Migration Management
Adding a Storage Policy
StorNext User’s Guide 261
5 On the Modify Parameters screen, enter both the Standard Options
and Advanced Options as desired.
• File Copy 1, 2, 3, and 4: The copy number used when storing
assigned media. The copy number assigned to the media
determines which copy goes to the media. You must specify
media for all copies used. You must use at least one copy (Copy
1), and can use up to four copies.
If you have created more than one drivepool, you can accomplish
file steering by specifying which drivepool to use for each
available file copy. For example, you could send data on File
Copy 2 to “fs_drivepool_2,” and data on File Copy 3 to
“fs_drivepool_3.” (Before you can assign a drive pool to a file
copy, you must first create the drive pools by using the Configure
Drive Pools function.) For more information about configuring
drive pools, see Adding a Drive Pool
on page 198.
• File Age Before Migration: This value determines the minimum
number of minutes a file must reside unmodified on disk before
it is considered a candidate for storage on media.
• File Age Before Truncation: This value determines the minimum
number of days a file must reside on a disk unaccessed before it
is considered a candidate for truncation from disk. Truncation
removes the disk blocks of a stored file, but not the file itself.
• Truncate Immediately After Store: Enable this option (check this
box) to truncate files immediately after they are stored.
• Max Inactive Versions: The maximum number of inactive
versions of a file StorNext keeps track of for recovery purposes.
• Drive Pool to Use: Associates the drive pool to use with the
policy class. If you specify a drive pool, the drive pool name must
be defined before any data operation can occur.
• Checksum Generation: If this option is enabled, (the box is
checked), checksums are generated and retained in the database
for files stored by the corresponding policy class.
• Checksum Validation: If this option is enabled (the box is
checked), checksums are compared to retained values for the files
retrieved by the corresponding policy class. The Checksum
feature consumes additional space in the StorNext database
whether it is enabled or not. When disabled, this feature
consumes approximately 2 bytes per stored file; when enabled,
this feature consumes approximately 18 bytes per stored file. The