Command List
The following table summarizes all the commands:
Sets the key click volume level.0 - 9VOLUME
Sets the character used as a decimal point on the display.0 = , (comma)
1 = . (period)
Enables/Disables the RS232 echo. The result string is
always sent back.
0 = Disable
1 = Enable
Resets shot counter. SHOT ? will return the number of
0 = Reset to zeroSHOTS
Store a configuration.1 - 12STORE
Recall a stored configuration.0 - 12RECALL
Enable / disables the pulse generator output.0 = Disable
1 = Enable
Beeps the speaker inside the 9700 the specified number
of times.
1 - 1000BEEP
Sets the delay, in microseconds*10, for Channel 20 - 999999998T2:Dly
Sets the pulse width, in microseconds*10, for Channel 2100 - 100000 T2:Wid
Sets the current level, in 10's of mA (100 = 1A), for
Channel 2
0 - 2500T2:Iamp
Enable/disable Channel 20 = Disable
1 = Enable
Sets the delay, in microseconds*10, for Channel 1.0 - 999999998T1:Dly
Sets the pulse width, in microseconds*10, for Channel 1.100 - 100000T1:Wid
Sets the current level, in 10's of mA (100 = 1A), for
Channel 1
0 - 2500T1:Iamp
Enable/disable Channel 10 = Disable
1 = Enable
Sets the active edge of the Ext/Gate signal when used as
an external trigger.
0 = falling edge
1 = rising edge
Sets the pulse generator mode.0 = Single Shot mode
1 = External Trigger mode
DescriptionParametersCommand Name
9700 Communication Commands