Figure 2 - QT3View Screen
Restores a config file saved by (File | Save). All three part selector configurations (tabs)
will be restored by this action.
Saves all three part selector configurations to disk in a single file, to a file name of your
Selects the desired PC serial port. Com1 is selected by default when the software is
first started, if it is available.
Sends the Setups of the open tab to the QTM300CA’s onboard e
prom for use
in later cloning. Repeat this step with each selector tab opened in turn, to
upload Setups for multiple part types.
Reads the Setups from the e
prom of the QTM300CA into the currently open
selector tab. Only the data for the open tab is read. Repeat this step with each
tab open in turn to read in all the configurations stored in the QTM300CA.
Sends the Setups from the currently open selector tab directly to the e
of a QT3xx chip. Data stored in the QTM300CA is not affected by this opera-
tion. The open tab must coincide with the connected chip type.
Reads the Setups directly from the e
prom of a connected QT3xx chip into the
corresponding selector tab. Data stored in the QTM300CA is not affected by
this operation.
File | Open
File | Save
Sensor | CommPort
Sensor | Upload
to Adapter
Sensor | Download
from Adapter
Sensor | Upload
to Chip
Sensor | Download
from Chip
Allows you to view and communicate with the right part. Any serial data transfer will
involve only the active tab. The software will auto-recognize the type of chip connected
to the QTM300CA and choose the right tab for you.
If no chip is installed, the tab can be manually selected to allow data transfers with the
QTM300CA’s onboard e
Part Selector
QT3View Operation
QTM300CA/R1.02 25.09.03