100-8007-141G AirborneDirect™ Ethernet Bridge User's Guide Page 51
Quatech, Inc. Confidential
After changing the Bridge’s static IP
address, the ACC stops responding.
Once the static IP address is changed and you click
Save, the Bridge switches to the new IP address
and loses connection with the ACC. To resolve this
problem, restart the ACC.
You used the ACC to change the
Bridge’s configuration settings, but the
new settings did not take effect.
You may not have clicked the Save button on the
ACC page. Click this button after making your
changes on the page.
You tried to update the firmware, but
the new firmware did not take effect.
You uploaded an incorrect file. Go to the XXUpdate
Firmware Page
XX and check the current level. Make
sure the one you will upload has a higher (later)
revision level (for more details, see
Firmware Page
XX on page XX45XX). Repeat the procedure
using the appropriate file.