Note: Before using this feature, enter the local Skywarn frequency
for your area into Bank 9, Channel 19. (See “Programming Frequencies
into Channels.”)
The scanner has 10 channels for Skywarn: Bank 9, Channels 10-19. Press T or S
to select other Skywarn channels. Press SCAN/MAN to exit Skywarn.
Note: If no frequencies are programmed in the Skywarn channels, No
Prg appears and the scanner sounds an error tone.
About Skywarn
Skywarn is an organized group of trained weather observers. A Skywarn
group exists in virtually every US County with a significant population. During
inclement weather, reports made by Skywarn observers include information
• Pea-sized and larger hail
• Wind and wind gusts of 40 MPH and greater
• Heavy rainfall
• Lightning (cloud-to-cloud and especially cloud-to-ground)
• Wall clouds seen in severe thunderstorms (which spawn tornadoes)
• Severe lowering of a wall cloud
• Turbulence in a wall cloud
• Funnel clouds
• Tornadoes
• High water areas
• Downed power lines
• Other emergency conditions that affect life or property
Listen to NOAA for weather alerts and warnings, watch box notices, and
weather-forecasts. Listen to Skywarn to hear trained observers in your vicinity
call in official reports to a net control station which relays those reports to
NOAA and other emergency agencies.
Note: If you tune to a Skywarn frequency when the Skywarn net is
not active, you may hear nothing, or you may hear amateur radio
operators talking on a local repeater system.