
Your RadioShack MessageLite brings the latest in tele-
phone technology to the problem of knowing when you have
a message waiting at your voice mail box (with your local
phone company). You don’t even have to pick up your
phone’s handset!
When a caller leaves a message, the phone company sends
message waiting signals on your phone line. Your Mes-
sageLite picks up these signals and flashes its indicator. If
you pick up the handset, you hear a “stutter” dial tone until
you retrieve the message. (The stutter tone sounds like a
broken dial tone, instead of the constant tone you normally
And, if there is a power failure, you can still hear the stutter
dial tone, even though the indicator does not light.
To use the MessageLite, you must be in an area where
message waiting service is available from your phone com-
pany, and you must subscribe to the service.
The MessageLite is designed for use with a single-
line phone jack (RJ11). It might not operate properly if con-
nected to a PBX phone system or to a 2-line phone jack
1997 Tandy Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.
RadioShack is a registered trademark used by Tandy Corporation.
43-162.fm Page 2 Thursday, August 12, 1999 2:30 PM