Composing and sending messages — Setting level of importance
Installation and User’s Guide
2. Click to view the menu. Scroll to Options and click. In the
Message List Options screen, set the Delete On field to
Desktop and Handheld.
3. To test this feature, delete a message on your handheld which
you no longer need. Synchronize email using the Intellisync
tool. (See Chapter 3 or the online help topic “Reconciling email”
for more information.)
The message is deleted from your desktop and your handheld.
Setting level of importance
You can change the level of importance of a message that you are
1. In the Home screen, scroll to the COMPOSE icon and click.
2. In the To: screen while composing a message, click to view the
menu. Scroll to Options and click.
Any filed messages that you delete on your handheld will
also be deleted from the corresponding desktop folders as
long as the Delete On field of the Message List Options
screen is set to Desktop and Handheld. Messages deleted
using the Delete Prior option, however, will not be deleted
on your desktop upon email reconciliation. See page 110
for more information on deleting multiple messages.