
MR6 11
14. Install Q3, another MMBTH10L NPN surface mount transistor
(marked 3E). Once again orient it as shown in the parts placement
15. Install R8, 100K ohm chip resistor.
This completes the frequency multiplier portion of the MR6. We’re actually
working our way backwards through the transmitter, from antenna to the
oscillator input. Take a break now to carefully examine all solder
connections, especially around the transistors. It’s much easier to find a
problem now, before all parts are on the PC board.
16. Install C10, .001 uF chip capacitor.
17. Install D1, MMBV2109 chip varactor diode, marked 4J.
18. Install R10, 100K ohm chip resistor.
19. Install R4, 1K ohm chip resistor.
20. Install Q5, MMBTA20L chip transistor, marked 1C.
21. Install C12, 22 pF chip capacitor.
22. Install R7, 10K ohm chip resistor.
23. Install R3, 1K ohm chip resistor.
24. Install R2, another 1K ohm chip resistor.
25. Install R1, a 10K ohm resistor.
26. Install C5, .1 uF chip capacitor.
27. Install R5, 100K ohm chip resistor.
28. Install C3, 100 pF chip capacitor.
29. Install C6, .1 uF chip capacitor.
30. Install Q1, MMBTA20L chip transistor, marked 1C.
31. Install Q2, another MMBTA20L chip transistor, marked 1C.
32. Install R6, 100K ohm chip resistor.
33. Install C4, 100 pF chip capacitor.
34. Locate the piece of insulated wire. Using your soldering iron, tin one
end of the wire and insert it into the hole labeled ‘ANT’ on the PC board.