pLayIng muSIc
Click on the icon to show all the tracks
in your library. Use the keyboard shortcut Shift
- Left Arrow to load the highlighted track on to
the left deck, and Shift - Right Arrow to load the
highlighted track onto the right deck.
To start playing a track, simply put the needle on
the record and start the turntable. The track will
start playing as soon as it detects the signal from
the control vinyl (or CD).
In ABS mode, the track will play from the
position dictated by the placement of the
needle on the record. If you place the needle at
the beginning of the record, the track will start
playing from the beginning. You can skip through
the track by picking up the needle and placing
it further into the record, just as with regular
records (This is known as needle dropping). See
tRack dISpLay
When a track is loaded, the track name, artist
and length are displayed in the track title bar,
and the Virtual Deck shows a solid black line.
If the track has BPM information written in the
tag this will also be displayed.
anaLyzIng FILeS
Before you play your music in Scratch Live, It is
important to rst analyze your les.
The analyze les function processes the
songs in your library to detect le corruption,
saves the waveform overview to an ID3 tag*, and
calculates auto-gain and BPM values.
hOW tO anaLyze FILeS
To analyze les start Scratch Live with the
hardware disconnected. On the left side of the
main screen, you will notice a button labeled
“analyze les”. Click this to automatically build
the overviews for all the tracks in your library.
If Scratch Live detects a corrupt le it
will tag it with a corrupt le icon:
It is very important that you delete
ANY corrupt les from your library as they can
cause Scratch Live to crash regardless if you
play the le or not. See “StatuS IcOnS” On
If this option is checked while analyzing les,
Scratch Live will calculate the estimated tempos
of your les. If Scratch Live is condent that the
auto-BPM estimate for a le is accurate, it will be
written to an ID3 tag* in the le. The auto-BPM
function will not be applied if the track already
contains BPM information. To re-analyze these
les and use auto-BPM or auto gain on them,
drag them onto the analyze les button. If you
know your les BPM will fall within a certain
range, use the range drop down to avoid double
or half value BPMs being calculated.
the OFFLIne pLayeR
The ofine player is available when Scratch Live
hardware is not connected, and outputs through
the current default audio device. Load a track to
the ofine player by dragging and dropping onto
the deck, or pressing shift+left arrow. If the end
of the loaded track is reached, the next track in
the current playlist is played automatically.
The ofine player is a useful tool for preparing
crates, auditioning tracks, and setting cue and
loop points.