Quick Start
Congratulations! You are the proud owner of an exceptional per-
formance instrument. Experienced turntablists will nd the TTM
56S comfortable and familiar. e TTM 56S has many unique
features which are mastered quicker if you read the manual. Right!
We know you can’t resist jumping right in, but please read at least
this portion of the manual. It will help you get a good start.
About the faders: e program faders and crossfader are magnetic,
non-contact faders. is means No travel noise – No bleed – Ever!
e electrical performance of the faders is unaected by use. Old
habits are hard to break, but you really don’t have to mess with
these faders. e magnetic faders in this mixer are very dierent
from what you are used to. Be sure and read the Q and A section
on page Manual-6.
Special Features:
• KILL switches behave like transform controls, to quickly cut a
signal in or out. Be sure these switches are up to get sound!
• Separate CONTOUR controls for each fader and the crossfader
allow continuous adjustment from smooth blend to fast cut.
• e CHANNEL SWAP switch allows the left-hand or right-
hand fader to control PGM 1 or PGM 2.
• Auxiliary Inputs and Outputs, with independent level controls,
give session mixing ability.
WEAR PARTS: is product contains no wear parts.
AUX Inputs may be used for a drum machine, keyboard, etc.
AUX Input comes in after the Crossfader and after the FlexFX loop.
AUX Outputs may be used for recording, booth monitoring, or a second zone.
AUX Output is the same mix as the Master.
• FlexFX™ allow individual assignment of PGM 1, PGM 2 or both to the eects loop. e eects loop is post-fader. You get great results
when using the program faders or crossfader with reverb or other delay eects. For instance, reverb and echo tails are still heard after
the fader is o. e WET/DRY pan lets you control how much of the eect is in the mix.
• ree-band Accelerated-Slope™ EQ allows full cut of each band. e EQ engage switches lets you A/B compare or quickly transform
the EQ eect.
• Two 10-segment meters provide Dual-Mono-Cue or Stereo-Master operation.
• Yes, we included a power switch on the rear.
e exibility of the TTM 56S can result in some initial confusion. e CHANNEL SWAP switch, KILL switches, REVERSE switches,
Faders and Crossfader are all dierent ways to cut the signal. We recommend trying one thing at a time. Check that the KILL switches
are ON (up position). Make sure the CHANNEL SWAP switch (and its yellow LED) is o . Start by changing the Contour of each fader,
one at a time. See the diagrams on page Manual-5 to understand the fader responses under dierent settings, with REVERSE on and o.
Once you understand the controls, start creating!