Step 9: Integrate the System 37
Step 9
cross track error, bearing to waypoint, distance to
waypoint, waypoint number
course over ground (COG), speed over ground
(SOG), latitude/longitude, time, variation
VHW speed through water, heading
course over ground (COG), speed over ground
relative apparent wind angle, relative apparent
wind speed
XTE cross track error
ZDA time, date
Note: When connected to a NMEA navigator, the course computer looks at
NMEA 1 first. If NMEA 1 has no data, the course computer looks at NMEA 2.
If both channels have the same type of navigation data, the course computer
uses NMEA 1.
Course computer NMEA 1 output*
NMEA 0183 transmitted Information sent
HDM heading
* Note: Type 150G and Type 400G course computers provide fast heading
(HDM) output from NMEA 1 at 10 Hz 0.1° resolution. This fast heading data is
suitable for use with the MARPA function on radar equipment.
Course computer NMEA 2 output
NMEA 0183 transmitted Information sent (* if available)
bearing to waypoint*, distance to waypoint*,
waypoint number*, time*
GLL latitude/longitude*, time*
course over ground* (COG), speed over ground*
* Note: The course computer will only transmit these items if it has received the
appropriate data.
Course computer NMEA 1 and 2 inputs
NMEA 0183 received Information extracted
81173_3.book Page 37 Thursday, June 7, 2001 11:51 AM