Important information
This handbook contains
an explanation of how to
install, connect and main-
tain your Raymarine
Satellite TV system.
This handbook covers the
following models:
• 45STV Satellite TV
•60STV Satellite TV
Your Raymarine Satellite
TV system provides uninterrupted television access to hundreds of TV chan-
nels in all types of weather conditions.
On the open sea or at the dock, the Raymarine Satellite TV system auto-
matically identifies, acquires and tracks compatible signals from all digital
video broadcast (DVB) satellites.
However, no machine can perform its intended function unless installed,
operated and maintained properly. Please carefully read and follow the
recommended procedures contained in this handbook.
INTENDED USE - The intended application for Raymarine
Satellite TV systems is for leisure marine boats and work-
boats not covered by IMO carriage regulations. THEY ARE
NOT intended for installation and use in any other situation.
Geographic location
Your Raymarine Satellite TV system is programmed to receive signals from
selected satellites in the following areas:
•North America
• South America
• Europe
• New Zealand
• China
• Middle East
You cannot receive signals that have linear polarization on a system set up
for circular polarized signals or circular polarized signals on a system that is
set up for linear polarized signals. If your geographic location changes it
will be necessary to change the antenna low noise block (LNB) for one
appropriate to the area in which you are operating. You may also need to
change your IRD(s) and TV receivers. For full details of changing your
geographic area of operation refer to “Satellite coverage by geographic
location” on page 60
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