*Electrical Connection On Left Side is 19-1/8".
a. All Air From Inside The Building:
Each opening shall have a minimum net free square
inches as noted:
Model Square Inches Model Square Inches
185 181 335 333
265 264 405 399
b. All Air From Outdoors:
When air is supplied directly from outside of building,
each opening shall have a minimum net free square
inches as noted:
Model Square Inches
185 46
265 66
335 84
405 100
COMBUSTION AIR (Indoor Units Only)
Air For Combustion And Ventilation
(Indoor Units Only)
The heater must have both combustion and ventila-
tion air. Minimum requirements for net free air supply
openings, one 12 inches from ceiling for ventilation and
one 12 inches from the floor for combustion air as
outlined in the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas
Code, ANSI Z2231(Canada-CAN/CGA-B149.1 and
B149.2) and any local codes that may have jurisdiction.
CAUTION: Combustion air must not be contaminated
by corrosive chemical fumes which can damage the
heater and void the warranty.
*Designation for Propane is "EP", Natural gas is "EN". Prefix "C" is for Cast Iron (ASME) Headers; "P" is for Plastic (Capron)
Headers. Reduce input 4% for each 1000 ft. above sea level when installed above 2000 ft. elevation. For Canada, no de-
rate is required for elevations up to 4500 feet. Manufactured under Patent No. 3,623,458.
Note: Plastic (Capron) Headers cannot be used for ASME installations.
Fig # 9037.1