1001RB Series
Tech Talk
Electronic Crossover:
Bi-Amp systems allow the crossover to be electronic and
therefore, have much higher quality than passive cross-
overs. A crossover separates the sound into two parts
(high and low frequency). The highs are sent to the horn
or high frequency cabinet and the lows are sent to the
woofer. In an ideal system, adding the highs and the lows
back together would recover the original signal. Most
passive Bass systems have very poor crossovers, resulting
in severe signal corruption. When these signals are added
back together (as in your ear), they have very little in
common with the original signal. The 1001RB Series uses
a Constant Voltage crossover which results in very little
signal corruption. In fact, when the high and low signals
are added back together, the result is extremely close to
the original. This makes a two-way system sound more
seamless, and less artificial. We have also included a
Tweeter Hi-Cut switch in the crossover, which rolls the
tweeter off above 10kHz giving it a less glassy, more cone
like sound.
The sound you want is in your head, but you just can’t get
it. You think it’s you, your bass or maybe your amp. Yes,
your amp. Standard tone controls and graphic equalizers
don’t get it. Sure, they give you plenty of variation, but
they don’t provide what the instrument really needs. The
fact is, graphic equalizers are intended for room equaliza-
tion, and are only put in bass amps because it’s a no-
brainer for the designer. The equalization in Gallien-
Krueger amplifiers reflects 30 years of continuous
development and refinement. The GK equalizer is unique
to the industry, it’s not just a normal four band equalizer,
each section is a special circuit optimized to perform a
Bass specific job in its range of operation. These sections
are wired in Series, so they add to one another creating a
tremendously flexible equalizer, that doesn’t sound weird
at any setting. You actually might even get to hear that
sound in your head.
Tech Talk
Voicing Filters:
Voicing filters are used to completely re-voice the
amplifier. In the case of the Contour and String Bass
controls, the effect is dramatic.
The Contour control tunes between two different shaping
circuits, with greatly different response. With the control
all the way up, the low end is slightly boosted, the mids
are dropped and the high end is pushed up. This is a
response contour not available with a normal equalizer,
and is only found in GK amplifiers.
The way a Bass amp deals with the instrument low string
is a critical part of it’s sound. In fact, a five string
instrument requires an entirely different low end re-
sponse than a four string instrument. No equalizer can
make the necessary adjustments to accommodate both,
however the String Bass button on the 1001RB Series does
just that. When it is out, the 1001RB is voiced like the
800RB (the world’s classic four string amp). Push it in
and the 1001RB is voiced for five string instruments. For
some playing styles you may want it in, even with a four
string instrument…at least now, you have a choice!
G.I.V.E. Technology:
As in all GK pre-amps, the1001RB Series pre-amp
incorporates what we call G.I.V.E (Gate Induced Valve
Effect) Technology. We use field effect devices with the
gate biased in a way that emphasizes the optimum
harmonic content of the signal. Working in concert with
our unique Four Band Active Equalizer, and three stage
Voicing Filter Section, G.I.V.E. technology produces a
consistently pleasing bass tone.