only when needed for trimming.
Shaving Longer Hairs
■ Use trimmer to remove long hairs which may exist under
your chin or neck area. Use light pre s s u re to avoid nicks.
Shaving Tips and Instructions
For a smoother, more comfortable, moisture free shave,
use a Remington Pre-Shave Powder Stick.
D O ’s
■ For best shaving performance, it is recommended that
you use your new shaver daily for two to three weeks to
allow time to find the optimum shaving method for your par-
ticular type beard and hair growth patterns (direction) for
each area of your face and neck.
■ Wait at least 15 minutes after getting up before shaving.
■ Thoroughly cleanse and dry skin prior to shaving.
■ I M P O R TA N T: Always hold the shaver at a right angle to
your skin using moderate to slow stroke movements.
■ The use of short circular strokes in stub-
born areas may help obtain a closer shave,
e s p e c i a l l y along chin line.
■ Daily cleaning of the cutting system is
recommended to ensure optimum shaving
p e r f o r m a n c e .
■ The use of pre-shaves and powders will
require more frequent cleaning due to
additional residue build up on foils and
cutters, which may reduce shaving time.
■ Worn or damaged parts should be
replaced with Remington replacement
parts only.
D O N ’ Ts
■ Do not hold at an angle.This will distort
the foil and may cause the cutter to damage the foil.
■ To avoid foil damage, do not press hard against the skin.
Holding the shaver so that the shaving head is at a right
angle to the skin without heavy pressure will result in close
C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S . We at Remington want to
thank you for purchasing this fine quality Reming-ton
M i c r o S c r e e n
1 Shaver. We are confident that you will
find great satisfaction with our product. The ultra-thin
single flexible foil and independent floating cutter will
provide a close, smooth comfortable shave. Please
take a moment to read the instructions and helpful
hints to maximize your shaving pleasure with our
product. Again, thanks for choosing the Remington
M i c r o S c r e e n
1 Shaver.
For best shaving performance, it is recommended
that you use your new shaver daily for two or three
weeks to allow time to find the optimum shaving
method for your particular type beard and hair growth
patterns (direction) for each area of your face and
n e c k .
To Shave
■ Push the ON/OFF button locking bar inward
and push upward on the ON/OFF button to
actuate the shaver for shaving.
Charging Operation
■ To re c h a rge, place ON/OFF button in the OFF
position, connect cord to shaver and then to elec-
tric outlet. The Green indicator light will glow, indi-
cating your shaver is charging. The shaver will be
completely re c h a rged in 14-16 hours. The shaver
cannot be overc h a rged, so you may leave it on
c h a rge between shaves.
To Tr i m
■ Push the trimmer actuating
button upward to activate the
p o p - o u t t r i m m e r. To trim mus-
tache, sideburns, beard or to
remove stubborn neck hairs,
s t r oke lightly as shown. Do not hold shaver at an
a n g l e .
NOTE: When the trimmer is activated, the shaver can
be used for shaving as well as trimming. To conser v e
b a t t e ry energy it is recommended to use the trimmer
burn or mutilat e ,as they may burst or release toxic mat e r i a l s .Do not short-circuit,
as it may cause burns.
Battery Removal
When your re c h a rgeable shaver reaches the end of its
useful life, the batteries must be removed from the shaver
and recycled or disposed of properly in accordance with
your local and state re q u i re m e n t s .
The following procedure should be followed for
battery removal:
■ To avoid a possible shock hazard,
unplug cord from electrical outlet
and shaver.
■ Remove the head assembly by grasp-
ing the tabs on both sides of head assem-
bly between thumb and forefinger and pull
straight upward to remove.
■ Remove the two screws on the upper
front side of the shaver.
■ Pull or pry the shaver halves apart.
■ Pull or pry the batteries outward from
the shaver.
■ Pull and twist batteries to break the wire connections.
CAUTIONS: Do not put in fire or mutilate your batteries when
disposing as they may burst or release toxic materials. Do
not short circuit as it may cause burns. Dispose properly in
accordance with your local and state requirements.