Section 10 Direct Memory Access Controller
Page 394 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
2 IE 0 R/W Interrupt Enable
Specifies whether or not an interrupt request is
generated to the CPU at the end of the DMA transfer.
Setting this bit to 1 generates an interrupt request
(DEI) to the CPU when TE bit is set to 1.
0: Disables an interrupt request
1: Enables an interrupt request
1 TE 0 R/(W)*
Transfer End Flag
This bit is set to 1 when DMATCR becomes 0 and
DMA transfer ends.*
The TE bit is not set to 1 in the following cases.
DMA transfer ends due to an NMI interrupt or DMA
address error before DMATCR becomes 0.
DMA transfer is ended by clearing the DE bit and
DME bit in DMA operation register (DMAOR).
To clear the TE bit, write 0 after reading TE = 1.
Even if the DE bit is set to 1 while the TEMASK bit is 0
and this bit is 1, transfer is not enabled.
0: During the DMA transfer or DMA transfer has been
[Clearing condition]
Writing 0 after reading TE = 1
1: DMA transfer ends by the specified count (DMATCR
= 0)