Section 2 CPU
Page 86 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Instruction Instruction Code Operation
Cycles T Bit
STC GBR,Rn 0000nnnn00010010 GBR Rn 1 Yes Yes Yes
STC VBR,Rn 0000nnnn00100010 VBR Rn 1 Yes Yes Yes
STC.L SR,@-Rn 0100nnnn00000011 Rn-4 Rn, SR (Rn) 2 Yes Yes Yes
STC.L GBR,@-Rn 0100nnnn00010011 Rn-4 Rn, GBR (Rn) 1 Yes Yes Yes
STC.L VBR,@-Rn 0100nnnn00100011 Rn-4 Rn, VBR (Rn) 1 Yes Yes Yes
STS MACH,Rn 0000nnnn00001010 MACH Rn 1 Yes Yes Yes
STS MACL,Rn 0000nnnn00011010 MACL Rn 1 Yes Yes Yes
STS PR,Rn 0000nnnn00101010 PR Rn 1 Yes Yes Yes
STS.L MACH,@-Rn 0100nnnn00000010 Rn-4 Rn, MACH (Rn) 1 Yes Yes Yes
STS.L MACL,@-Rn 0100nnnn00010010 Rn-4 Rn, MACL (Rn) 1 Yes Yes Yes
STS.L PR,@-Rn 0100nnnn00100010 Rn-4 Rn, PR (Rn) 1 Yes Yes Yes
TRAPA #imm 11000011iiiiiiii PC/SR stack area,
(imm 4 + VBR) PC
5 Yes Yes Yes
Notes: 1. Instruction execution cycles: The execution cycles shown in the table are minimums. In
practice, the number of instruction execution states in cases such as the following:
a. When there is a conflict between an instruction fetch and a data access
b. When the destination register of a load instruction (memory register) is the same
as the register used by the next instruction.
* In the event of bank overflow, the number of cycles is 19.