Section 11 Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2
Page 506 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
0 WRE 0 R/(W)
Initial Output Suppression Enable
Selects the waveform output when synchronous
counter clearing occurs in complementary PWM mode.
The initial output is suppressed only when synchronous
clearing occurs within the Tb interval at the trough in
complementary PWM mode. When synchronous
clearing occurs outside this interval, the initial value
specified in TOCR is output regardless of the WRE bit
setting. The initial value is also output when
synchronous clearing occurs in the Tb interval at the
trough immediately after TCNT_3 and TCNT_4 start
For the Tb interval at the trough in complementary
PWM mode, see figure 11.40.
0: Outputs the initial value specified in TOCR
1: Suppresses initial output
[Setting condition]
When 1 is written to WRE after reading WRE = 0
Note: * Do not set to 1 when complementary PWM mode is not selected.
11.3.30 Bus Master Interface
The timer counters (TCNT), general registers (TGR), timer subcounter (TCNTS), timer cycle
buffer register (TCBR), timer dead time data register (TDDR), timer cycle data register (TCDR),
timer A/D converter start request control register (TADCR), timer A/D converter start request
cycle set registers (TADCOR), and timer A/D converter start request cycle set buffer registers
(TADCOBR) are 16-bit registers. A 16-bit data bus to the bus master enables 16-bit read/writes. 8-
bit read/write is not possible. Always access in 16-bit units.
All registers other than the above registers are 8-bit registers. These are connected to the CPU by a
16-bit data bus, so 16-bit read/writes and 8-bit read/writes are both possible.