Section 21 IEBus
Page 1106 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
2 to 0 CMD 000 W Command
These bits issue a command to control
communications. When the CMX flag in IEFLG is set
after the command issuance, the command is indicated
to be in execution. When the CMX flag becomes 0, the
operation state is entered.
000: No operation. Operation is not affected.
001: Unlock (required from other units)*
010: Requires communications as the master
011: Stops master communications*
100: Undefined bits*
101: Requires data transfer from the slave
110: Stops data transfer from the slave*
111: Undefined bits*
Notes: 1. Do not execute this command in slave communications.
2. This command is valid during master communications (MRQ = 1). In other states, this
command issuance is ignored. If this command is issued in master communications, the
communications controller immediately enters the wait state. At this time, the issued
master transmission request ends (MRQ = 0).
3. This command is valid during slave communications (SRQ = 1). In other states, this
command issuance is ignored. Once this command is issued in slave transmission, the
SRQ flag is 0 before slave transmission. Therefore, a transmit request from the master
is not responded to. If a transmit request is issued during slave transmission, the
transmission stops and the wait state is entered (SRQ = 0).
4. Undefined bits. Issuing this command does not affect operation.