TURBO 96 01/11 Introduction Section 2-3
© 2011 Alamo Group Inc.
The Rhino Turbo 96 Rotary Mower is designed for medium duty applications such as weed, grass, corn stalks,
and light brush to 2" diameter. These mowers are multi spindle with free-swinging blades. Free swinging
blades reduce the shock of impact when a stationary object is hit. Additional protection is provided by a slip
clutch on the gearbox input shaft. A round blade holder allows the mower to “ride over” stumps and similar
immovable objects. These Mowers are attached to the tractor using 3-point Cat II standard or CAT II & III quick
hitches or pull drawbar. Standard equipment includes driveline shields, clutch shields and front and rear
discharge shields.
Cutting Width 97” Blade Tip Speed
Transport Width 104” 540 RPM 17004 FPM
Overall Width 104” 1000 RPM 16821 FPM
Overall Length 101”
Cutting Height (Min) 1-1/2”
Gearbox Rating
HP Required 55 HP-Lift, 30 HP-Pull Center 120 HP
Cutting Capacity 2” Outboard 110 HP
Weight 1634 lbs. Limited Warranty 5 Year
Tongue Weight 960 lbs.
Driveline Size CAT 4
Limited Warranty 1 Year