
GPS Receiver Board GPS-24 / 24A Operating Manual
Specifications subject to change without prior notice
Rikaline International Corp. 10F, 64, Kang-Din Road, Taipei 108, Taiwan
Tel: ++886 2 2370 4688 Fax: ++886 2 2370 4686 E-Mail: info@rikaline.com.tw Web: www.rikaline.com.tw
PNMRX301 message 3 field list
Field Format width scale units Notes
Message ID $PNMRX301 8 PNMRX301 protocol header.
Vehicle Id
Int 2 Decimal satellite vehicle id
from 1 to 32.
Subframe Id Int 1 Subframe number 3.
Cic Hex 4 2
Radians 16 bit signed integer.
Omega zero Hex 8 2
Semi- circles 32 bit signed integer.
Cis Hex 4 2
radians 16 bit signed integer.
I Zero Hex 4 2
Semi- circles 32 bit signed integer.
Crc Hex 4 2
Meters 16 bit signed integer.
Perigree Hex 8 2
Semi- circles 32 bit signed integer.
Omega dot Hex 6 2
Semi- circles/sec 24 bit signed integer.
Iode Hex 2 Lower 8 bits of matching iodc.
I dot Hex 4 2
Semi- circles/sec 14 bit signed integer.
Checksum *xx (0) 3 2 digits.
<CR> <LF> 2 ASCII 13, ASCII 10.
C.12 $PNMRX302, Ionospheric correction
Field Format width scale units Notes
Message ID $PNMRX302 8 PNMRX301 protocol header.
Satellite Vehicle Id Int 2 Decimal satellite vehicle id
from 1 to 32.
α 0 Hex 2 2
α 1 Hex 2 2
α 2 Hex 2 2
α 3 Hex 2 2
β 0 Hex 2 2
β 1 Hex 2 2
β 2 Hex 2 2
β 3 Hex 2 2
Checksum *xx (0) 3 2 digits.
<CR> <LF> 2 ASCII 13, ASCII 10.
C.13 $PNMRX303,UTC time
Field Format width scale units Notes
Message ID $PNMRX303 8 PNMRX301 protocol header.
Vehicle Id
Int 8 Decimal satellite vehicle id from 1 to 32.
Data – A0 Hex 2 Constant term of the polynomial
Data – A1 Hex 2 First-order term of the polynomial.
Delta t LS Hex 2 Delta time due to leap seconds.
Tot Hex 2 Reference time for UTC.
WNt Hex 2 UTC reference week number
WNlsf Hex 2 Week number at which the leap second
becomes effective.
DN Hex 2 Day number B2.
Delta t LSF Hex 2 Delta time due to leap seconds if leap
second is ini the past.
NumBlocks Hex 2 Number of 20 year blocks
Time Offset Hex 2 Time offset for current time zone
Checksum *xx (0) 3 2 digits.
<CR> <LF> 2 ASCII 13, ASCII 10.