1© 2000 Robinair, SPX Corporation
Controls and Indicators
ON/OFF and BALANCE—The same control turns on the unit and gives you
infinite control for eliminating background contamination to find leaks fast.
VOLUME—Allows you to adjust the audible leak signal to the appropriate
volume for the working conditions.
SENSITIVITY LEVEL—The 16600 can be used for a wide range of
refrigerants, but because of different properties of the refrigerant, the correct
sensitivity level should be selected. Here are guidelines:
• Level 1—HFCs such as R-134a, HP 62, AC 9000, AZ 20, and AZ 50
(refrigerant blends made up primarily of HFCs)
• Level 2—CFCs and HCFCs such as R-12, R-22, R-500, and R-502
(refrigerant blends made up primarily of CFCs and HCFCs).
If you are not sure which refrigerant is in the system, start with Level 2 and
change to Level 1 if you have trouble pinpointing the leak after balancing the
leak detector several times.
VISUAL LEAK INDICATOR—The LEDs light up to show increasing levels
of concentration. One LED means a minimal amount of refrigerant is reaching
the sensor; when all LEDs are lit, there is a sizeable leak or concentration. The
LEDs illuminate in sequence from bottom to top.
LOW BATTERY INDICATOR—If only the top LED is lighted, the batteries
are low and should be replaced.
AUDIBLE LEAK INDICATOR—The normal operating sound is a steady
ticking. As you move the probe closer to a leak, the tone will change to a faster
ticking sound and then to an alarm sound (the loudness of this indicator can be
adjusted using the volume control).