543175 Rev. H, June 25, 2013
Table of Contents
Introduction 2
TechnicalSpecications 2
KeypadFunctions 3
Glossary 3
MenuFunctions 4
Setup 5
UnpacktheAccessoryKit 5
PowerUptheUnit 5
SelectaLanguage 5
SelectOperatingUnits 5
SetTankFillLevel 6
AddOiltotheVacuumPump 6
OperatingInstructions 8
RecoverRefrigerantfromaVehicle 8
EvacuatetheA/CSystem 9
RechargetheA/CSystem 10
General 12
ElectricalProtection 12
ManuallyFilltheInternalStorageVessel(ISV) 12
ReplacetheFilter-Drier 13
CheckRemainingFilterCapacity 13
ChangetheFilter 13
AdjustTankFillLevel 14
CheckforLeaks 14
ChangeVacuumPumpOil 15
ReplacementParts 16
ScaleCalibration 16
TankRecertication 16
SpanishManual 17
FrenchManual 35
SafetyPrecautions InsideFrontCover
Warranty InsideBackCover
IMPORTANT: To comply with federal law governing A/C system service, you must complete and mail
the MVAC Certication Form included in the accessory kit. Technicians using this equipment must be
certied under EPA Section 609 (Environmental Protection Agency). For more information, read the
MACS information included in the accessory kit, or visit the MACS website at www.macsw.org.
To validate the warranty provided by Robinair, complete the warranty card included in the accessory
kit, and mail it within ten days from the purchase date of the unit.