Effect Type List
* REVERB/DELAY Type and MULTI-FX Type are common to EZ Edit mode and Edit mode.
OFF No reverb
WarmRoom Room reverb featuring a milder ambiance
DarkRoom Room reverb that imparts a darker mood
BrightRoom Room reverb featuring a rougher, gritty feeling
Room reverb that lends a relaxed ambiance to the sound
GymStage Simulates the reverberation of a gymnasium
Underground Reverb that makes sounds seem to be coming from
under the ground
ThinPlate Plate reverb with slow decay
ThickPlate Plate reverb with rapid decay
EmptyHall Reverberation of an unoccupied hall
BigTube Reverb resembling that produced within a large tube
RichAmb Reverb with rich reflections
ShortDelay Single delay with short delay time
MedDelay Adds a slight repeat of the sound
LongDelay Effect resembling mountain echoes
PanDelaySht Single delay with panned delayed sound
PanDelayMed Delayed sound with added lateral breadth
Delayed sound that crosses between the left and right sides
Low Boost Boosts the low end
Low Cut Cuts the low end
Mid Boost Boosts the midrange
Mid Cut Cuts the midrange
High Boost Boosts the high end
High Cut Cuts the high end
Limiter Standard limiter settings
Compressor Keeps sound volume in a uniform range
ComPRESSED! Creates a very bound, constricted sound
Enhancer Emphasizes the high-end harmonics
Radio Makes sounds as produced from a radio
OnAir Creates a sound like that found in public recordings
TiledRoom Sound like that produced in a tiled room
Outside Produces a heard-outside-the-door kind of sound
NoHighs Eliminates the high end
Only Lows Leaves only the low end
Only Mids Leaves only the midrange
Only Highs Leaves only the high end
DynamicFltr Filter’s cutoff frequency changes in response to the
volume of the strike
Ctrl Wah The wah effect is added in response to M-FX DEPTH
and CtrlTx
Sustainer Effect appears to stretch the sound’s envelope
RadioOD Light distortion from a cheap amp
SmallOD Mild distortion from a small amp
BigOD Mild distortion from a large-size amp
LoudOD Mild distortion with more sound pressure
RadioDST Strong distortion from a cheap amp
SmallDST Hard distortion from a small amp
BigDST Hard distortion from a large-size amp
LoudDST Hard distortion with more sound pressure
Lo-Fi Creates a rough, broken sound
Lo-Fi(mono) Rough sound output monaurally
RingModltr Gives the sound a metallic quality
Bell Adds a bell-like sound
Buzz Adds a bee-like buzzing quality to the sound
MetalBar Adds a sound like that of a metal bar being struck
Stereo Cho Standard chorus settings
Glossy Cho Warm chorus sound
Phasy Cho Chorus with a heavy modulation
TetraChorus Chorus with great breadth
Bamboo Cho Chorus with fluttering reflections
TremoloCho Chorus with tremolo added
Giddy Cho Spinning chorus that make the listener dizzy
Sigh Cho Chorus with a slight crying sound
Space D Effect that fattens the sound
Stereo Fln Standard flanger settings
Wind Fln Produces an effect like that of a refreshing breeze
Grumble Fln Layers on the sound of a human voice
Jet Fln Adds a jet-like sound effect
StepFlanger Standard step-flanger settings
AnalogCyber Sound like the oscillation of an analog synthesizer
Phaser Standard phaser settings
Rubbing Adds a grinding sound
Arpeggio Sounds pitch-shifted by five semitones are layered on,
one after another
Warp Pitch rises three semitones at a time
Bandit Gliss-down effect
PitchShift Sounds shifted by five semitones are layered on
StereoDelay The delayed sound is played at the same position as the
Doubling Doubling effect which layers the sound
Booming Sound like the playing of a high-tension string is added
RhythmDly1 Triple rhythmic delay
RhythmDly2 Rhythmic delay differing from RhythmDly1
Mod Delay Delay with modulation
CrossModDly Delay with modulation, with the sound alternately
crossing between left and right
TimeCtrlDly When CtrlTx is used to change “Time,” an effect similar
to that produced by changing an analog delay’s Time
can be obtained
3TapDlySht Three-tap delay with short delay time
3RhythmSht Triple pattern using delay
3TapDlyLng Produces sound at center, left, and right, in that order
3RhythmLng Rhythmic delay
Three-sound delay synchronized to the sequencer’s tempo
4TapDlySht Four-tap delay with short delay time
4RhythmSht Provides an effect like the clicking of castanets
4TapDlyLng Delay sounds start on the right and move to the left
4RhythmLng Rhythmic delay
Four-sound delay synchronized to the sequencer’s tempo
SoftRoom Room reverb with mild reverberation
HardRoom Gritty room reverb
RoomCorner Room reverb with first reflections emphasized
Stage Simulates the reverb on a small stage
Plate Gritty plate reverb
Hall”A” Simulates the reverberation of a hall with a low ceiling
Hall”B” Simulates the reverberation of a large hall
Tunnel Reverberation like that in a tunnel
Stadium Simulates the reverberation of a stadium
GateReverb Standard gated reverb settings
ReverseGate Reverse gated reverb