Chapter 3 Selecting Output Jacks
PATCH Common General #1 page
([PATCH] - [F1 (COMMON)] - [F1
Level (Patch Level)
Range: 0–127
Sets the volume of the Patch.
* You can specify the level for each Tone using the Tone Level
parameter (TVA; p. 143).
Pan (Patch Pan)
Range: L64–63R
Sets the stereo position of the Patch. L64 is far left, 0 is center,
and 63R is far right.
* You can specify the pan setting for each Tone in a Patch using
the Tone Pan parameter (TVA; p. 143).
* While each of the Tones forming a Patch has its own Pan
position, the Patch Pan parameter shifts the individual stereo
locations of the Tones by the amount set for it.
Output Assign
Specifies the output destination for the Patch.
Available Settings:
MFX: The Patch is sent into the Multi-effects. Its output
destination is determined by the Multi-effects output
OUTPUT A–D: The Patch is sent to the selected pair of
OUTPUT A–D jacks.
INDIV 1–8: The Patch is sent to the selected INDIVIDUAL
OUTPUT 1–8 jack.
TONE: Each Tone in the Patch is sent to its programmed
output destination.
SYSTEM Output page ([SYSTEM] - [F2
Digital Interface
Master Freq (Master Frequency)
Range: 44.1/48 kHz
Selects the clock used for synchronizing the digital output.
Master Clock
Selects the master clock used for synchronizing the digital
Available Settings:
INTERNAL: The XV-5080 itself serves as the master.
R-BUS: Operation synchronized to the clock present on the
R-BUS. The XV-5080 functions as the slave.
WORD CLOCK IN: Operation synchronized to the word
clock. The XV-5080 functions as the slave.
* When operating as the slave, the XV-5080 is capable of
synchronizing to clocks running at 44.1 or 48 kHz. It cannot
sync to clocks at other frequencies.
Output Mix/Parallel
Available Settings:
MIX: All sounds—including those routed to OUTPUTs B/C
or INDIVIDUAL 3–8—are mixed together and routed to the
A (MIX) OUTPUT jacks. This setting allows you to quickly
route everything through headphones when you are creating
sounds, or to combine all of your sounds into two outputs
when sending the XV-5080’s signal to a mixer that has only
two channels.
When MIX is selected, sounds routed to the INDIVIDUAL
OUTPUT 3/5/7 jacks are sent to the left A (MIX) OUTPUT
jack, and sounds routed to the INDIVIDUAL OUTPUT 4/6/
8 jacks are sent to the right A (MIX) OUTPUT jack.
PARALLEL: Sounds are routed to output jacks according to
their output settings.
The XV-5080’s Master Level and Mix/Parallel settings are
each established using a single global parameter.
SYSTEM General #1 page ([SYSTEM] -
[F1 (General)])
Level (Master Level)
Range: 0–127
Adjusts the volume of the entire XV-5080.