
Chapter 1
General Information
Figure 1. NTE/CCD Detectors and Cameras
The NTE/CCD air-cooled detector or camera is ideally suited for medium light level
applications. State-of-the-art CCD arrays are available for the NTE/CCD that enable
outstanding performance in a wide range of applications for spectroscopy, biological
imaging, and physical science investigations.
NTE/CCD detectors have three distinct sections. The front vacuum enclosure contains
the CCD array seated on a cold finger. This finger is in turn seated on a four-stage Peltier
thermoelectric cooler. The back enclosure contains the heat exchanger. An internal fan
cools the heat exchanger and the waste heat exits the unit through openings in the
detector housing.
The electronics enclosure contains the preamplifier and array driver board. This keeps all
signal leads to the preamplifier as short as possible, and also provides RF shielding.