This confi guration may not be ideal for mul-
tichannel systems confi gured with high-pass
speakers, redirecting bass to a powered
subwoofer. An option, called LFE REDIRECT,
sends the seven main channels directly to
the outputs as usual. In addition, it takes
a duplicate copy of these seven channels,
combines them into mono, and routes them
through a 100 Hz analog low-pass cross-
over to the subwoofer preamp output. This
creates a summed mono subwoofer signal,
derived from the seven main channels of the
Use the LFE REDIRECT off for the pure ana-
log bypass confi guration. Use the LFE REDI-
RECT on setting to derive the mono summed
subwoofer output.
Dolby Pro Logic IIx
When Dolby Pro Logic IIx is selected as the
default surround mode on the INPUT SETUP
menu, there are additional settings and pa-
rameters to optimize the surround decoding
for music or movie soundtracks. Dolby Pro
Logic II uses matrix decoding algorithms to
derive a center channel and surround chan-
nels from 2-channel source material.
The fi rst line of the Dolby Pro Logic IIx sub-
menu selects CINEMA, MUSIC, GAME, or
PRO LOGIC modes for matrix decoding.
Use the +/– buttons on the remote to select
a mode.
Select CINEMA to optimize for Dolby Sur-
round encoded movie soundtracks includ-
ing increased surround separation and full-
bandwidth surround channel frequency re-
Select MUSIC to optimize for musical record-
ings. When the MUSIC mode is selected, three
additional parameters will be available on
the OSD screen. Use the UP/DOWN buttons
on the remote to select a parameter. Use the
+/– buttons to change the selected param-
eter as follows:
• PANORAMA: The Panorama option ex-
tends the front stereo image to include the
surround speakers for a dramatic “wrap-
around” effect. The options are OFF or
• DIMENSION: The Dimension option al-
lows you to gradually adjust the sound-
fi eld towards the front or towards the rear.
There are seven incremental settings from
0 to 6. A setting of 0 shifts the soundfi eld
towards the rear for maximum surround ef-
fect. A setting of 6 shifts the soundfi eld to
the front for minimum surround effect. The
default setting of 3 provides a “neutral”
balance between the two extremes.
• CENTER WIDTH: The Center Width op-
tion allows you to spread the signal in-
tended for the center speaker to the left
and right front speakers, widening the
perceived soundfi eld. There are eight in-
cremental settings from 0 to 7. With the
default setting of 0, there is no center width
spreading and all of the center channel
information is sent to the center speaker.
The maximum setting of 7 shifts all of the
center channel signal to the left and right
speakers, essentially muting the center
speaker and maximizing the soundfi eld
width. Other settings provide incremental
steps between the two extremes.
Select GAME to optimize for Dolby Surround
encoded video games.
Select PRO LOGIC for original Dolby Pro
Logic decoding. Typically, Pro Logic II (Cin-
ema or Music modes) will provide better sur-
round performance, even with older source
material. Original Pro Logic mode provides
5.1 channel surround sound, even on 6.1/7.1
channel systems.
When you have completed all the desired ad-
justments, highlight the INPUT SETUP MENU
line at the bottom of the screen and press the
ENTER button to return to the INPUT SETUP
menu (or just press the ENTER button).
DTS Neo:6
When DTS Neo:6 is selected as the default
surround mode on the INPUT SETUP menu,
there are additional option settings and pa-
rameters available to optimize the surround
decoding for various types of recordings,
music or movie soundtracks. DTS Neo:6
uses matrix decoding algorithms to derive a
center channel and surround channels from
2-channel source material.
In DTS Neo:6 mode, there will only be one
choice available on the sub-menu: selecting
CINEMA or MUSIC modes. Use the +/– but-
tons on the remote to change the settings.
• Select CINEMA to optimize the DTS Neo:6
decoding for movie soundtracks.
• Select MUSIC to optimize the DTS Neo:6
decoding for musical recordings.
When you have completed the setting, high-
light the INPUT SETUP MENU line at the bot-
tom of the screen and press the ENTER but-
ton to return to the INPUT SETUP menu (or
just press the ENTER button).
Confi guring
Speakers and Audio
This section of the setup process covers items
concerning audio reproduction such as the
number of speakers, bass management in-
cluding subwoofer crossovers, establishing
equal output levels for all channels, delay
settings, and tone contour settings.
Understanding Speaker
Confi guration
Home theater systems vary in the number of
speakers and the bass capabilities of those
speakers. The RSP-1069 offers surround modes
tailored to systems with various numbers of
speakers and bass management features which
send bass information to the speaker(s) best
able to handle it – subwoofers and/or large