
What Is Sapphire ?
Congratulation on your purchase of Sapphire, offering diverse GPS (Global
Positioning System) applications. Sapphire represents the latest ingenious GPS
technology from the leading GPS receiver manufacturer. Connecting to the notebook
PC implementing a map or navigation software, Sapphire helps you locate one or
multiple objects, conduct personal & vehicle navigation, and/or apply for
geographical surveys.
What Is Inside ?
Before you start up, make sure that your package includes the following items. If any
items are missing or damaged, contact RoyalTek immediately. Please refer to the
contact information on the last page of this manual.
GPS Receiver Cable(RS-232 or USB)
CD Disc
What Is GPS ?
In 1974 the USA Department of Defense set about developing a Global Positioning
System (GPS), a constellation of 24 satellites that Orbits 12,000 miles above the Earth.
Using triangulation of signals from four of the satellites, a receiving unit on earth can
pinpoint its current location to within a few meters. A GPS device receive the data,
then convert the longitude, latitude, and altitude (LLA) data into a location point.
Position and navigation information is vital to a wide range of professional and
recreational activities covering surveying, search and rescue, tracking, hiking,
navigating, and so forth.