268 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Library Reference Manual
This KI allows you to specify a public key used by the Elliptic Curve algorithm. The
information consists of the public component and the underlying elliptic curve
Type of information this allows you to use:
the encoding of an ANSI X9.62-compliant key object identifier that defines an elliptic
curve public key. The parameters of the key are specified as the public component
), and the underlying elliptic curve parameters.
Format of info supplied to B_SetKeyInfo:
pointer to an ITEM structure that contains the ANSI X9.62 compliant BER encoding of
a public key and its elliptic curve parameters. In compliance with X9.62, you can
specify the
CHOICE of either a full EC CURVE definition or a NAMED CURVE
definition. Both ANSI X9.62 uncompressed and hybrid base points are decoded.
Format of info returned by B_GetKeyInfo:
pointer to an ITEM structure that contains the ANSI X9.62 compliant BER encoding of
an elliptic curve’s parameters. Note that the re-encoded BER will preserve the original
X9.62 NAMED CURVE representation of the elliptic curve parameters.
Can get this info type if key object already has:
KI_ECPublic or KI_ECPublicBER.