Operating Notes for ADAM, ADAM CS and Zeus Intercom Systems
1. In AZedit use port alpha setup to name each 4-wire intercom port that is connected to the DSI 2008. Choose names
which help indicate which 2-wire line is being interfaced.
2. Key assignment, party line assignment, etc. is the same as for any other intercom port.
3. Optional call signal output using the GPI: you can assign the GPI output to a talk or listen key, then activate that key
to generate a call signal.
Another way to generate a call signal is by assigning the GPI output as a level 2 talk key assignment for any key that
is assigned to talk to the DSI 2008. However, this will cause the call lights to flash on the 2-wire line during the entire
Another solution is to assign a dedicated key as a UPL resource key (which you could name CALL). Then for each
key that talks to an DSI 2008 hybrid, create a UPL statement that will activate the appropriate GPI whenever the call
key and the talk key are pressed. This lets you use the same call key with more than one GPI. To use, simply activate
the call key and the appropriate talk key. Then, when a verbal response is received, release the call key.
4. Optional call signal input using the GPI
• In AZedit, click GPI In on the toolbar.
This opens the GPI Setup screen.
• Whichever GPI Input you are using for 4-wire call receive, select that GPI Input from the list (double-click).
This will open the Edit GPI Input window.
• In the Port Alpha list box, select the intercom port that is named in step 1.
• In the Key Number box, type 1.
This selects key 1 at the intercom you specified in the previous step.
• Select Talk Key.
• Click Done.
• Access keypanel setup, and select the intercom port that is named in step 1.
Make sure the setup page, Main is selected.
• Assign talk key number 1 to talk to the intercom port that you selected in step C. We also recommend that you
assign auto-listen (AL) to the listen key above that talk key.
5. Optional call enable control. If you connected a GPI Output for use as a call enable control, you can assign that GPI
output to any intercom key in the 4-wire intercom system. If System A is connected to an Audiocom or TW intercom
system, pressing the key will disable the call signaling. (However, the effect is opposite if a Clear-Com system is
connected: pressing the key will disable the signaling.)
6. Send your changes to the intercom system. This completes any required programming for ADAM, ADAM CS, or
Zeus intercom system.