
The controlling system of the microwave oven has the feature of cooling. As for any cooking mode which cooking time
above 2 minutes, after cooking, the oven fan will work about 3 minutes automatically to cool the oven for prolonging
the life of the oven.
Times stated are approximate and can vary depending on the quality, size of the chopped pieces, storage temperature and moisture content of
the foodstuff. It is advisable to set a shorter cooking time at first, and then if necessary continue the cooking process, until the food is cooked to
your satisfactionDŽ
Foodstuff Quantity Output Level Time (Mins) Remarks
Milk, 1 cup
P100 (=100%)
0.5 – 1
Caution: Stir the liquid prior to and during heating/reheating, let liquid stand
for at least 10 seconds after cooking and always take care when adding
ingredients to hot liquids.
/Milk 1 cup
P100 (=100%)
1 - 2
Caution: Stir the liquid prior to and during heating/reheating, let liquid stand
for at least 10 seconds after cooking and always take care when adding
ingredients to hot liquids.
Water 500g P100 (=100%) 3 - 5 Caution: Stir the liquid prior to and during heating/reheating, let liquid stand
for at least 10 seconds after cooking and always take care when adding
ingredients to hot liquids.
One-course meals/
Ready-to-serve meals
450g P100 (=100%) 4 - 6
Soups 250g P100 (=100%) 1 - 2 Stir.
Stews 500g P100 (=100%) 3 - 5 Stir between times.
Meat / Poultry
Roast 250g P100 (=100%) 2 - 3
Rissoles/Meatballs 500g P100 (=100%) 3 - 4
1/2 Chicken 450g P100 (=100%) 3 - 4 Lightly brush with oil.
Portion x 1 150g P100 (=100%) 1 - 2 Cover, stir.
Portions x 2 300g P100 (=100%) 2 - 4 Cover, stir.
Side Dishes
Noodles 150g P100 (=100%) 1 - 2 Dampen slightly beforehand, cover, stir.
Rice 150g P100 (=100%) 1 - 2 Dampen slightly beforehand, cover, stir.
Potatoes 500g P100 (=100%) 3 - 4 Cover.
Baby Food approx, 200g P100 (=100%) 1 - 2 Stir well, check the temperature.
Beef, Pork in one piece 500g P 80 (= 70%) 11 - 14 Cover, turn halfway through cooking, leave to stand for 3-5 minutes.
Lightly smoked pork loin 500g P 80 (= 70%) 12 - 15
Meatloaf P100 (=100%) 12 - 15
Sausages 200g P 80 (= 70%) 2 - 3 Pierce skin with fork.
Chicken 1000g P100 (=100%) 20 - 25 Cover, turn once, leave to stand for 5 minutes.
Pieces of Chicken 250g P 80 (=70%) 4 - 5
Fresh fish 300g P 80 (= 70%) 5 - 7 Cover, turn once, leave to stand for 3 minutes.
Fillet of fish 300g P 80 (= 70%) 4 - 5 Cover, turn once, leave to stand for 3 minutes.
Frozen fish 400g P100 (=100%) 8 - 10 Cover, leave to stand for 3 minutes.
Vegetables, fresh
Cauliflower, broccoli, fennel 150g P100 (=100%) 8 - 10 Chop vegetables into small pieces, cook with liquid,
(3-5 tablespoons), stir in between times leave to stand for 3-5 minutes, add
spices, (salt before serving).
French beans 500g P100 (=100%) 10 - 12
Potatoes, boiled potatoes 500g P100 (=100%) 8 - 10
Jacket potatoes 500g P100 (=100%) 10 - 12 Prick the jacket for boiling potatoes.
Carrots 500g P100 (=100%) 8 - 10
Vegetables, deep frozen Take note of details on the packaging.