1. Dummy's Hand: Displays dummy's hand, or your hand for North if South is dummy. Also
displays hands for North and East with repeated presses of VIEW HAND.
2. Player/Position Indicators (w/ n/e/s): Flashing indicator indicates current player/position.
3. No Trump Indicator
4. South's Hand: Displays your hand for South, or dummy's hand if South is dummy. Also
displays hands for South and West with repeated presses of VIEW HAND.
5. Vulnerability Indicator
6. Sound Off Symbol: Displayed when the Sound Off menu option is activated.
7. Menu/Bid/Play Area: Used to bid, play, and select game options. Shows menus, prompts,
contracts, tricks, and scores.
8. Current Bid/Play Display
9. Dummy Indicator
10. Trump Suit Indicator: Underscored symbol (
qrew) indicates current trump suit, if any.