
10 Inch Long Throw Transducer 120 Watt Amplifier
Connecting to the Resolv120a Subwoofer
StudioDock 3i and 4i with Mono Sub
Adding a subwoofer and extended low frequency response to your StudioDock 3i
or 4i system is easy using the monitors’ LINE LEVEL inputs. Below is a typical system
set-up using the RESOLV 120a with a mixer and a pair of StudioDock 3i or 4i’s satellite
speakers. The StudioDock 3i and 4i’s inputs utilize industry standard RCA connectors.
For a detailed wiring diagram, see the section “StudioDock 3i and 4i Wiring Guide” on
page 11. Follow the steps in the diagram below to set up your system.
Lower your mixer’s master outputs to all the way off.
Connect the mixer’s left output to the RESOLV 120’s LEFT LINE INPUT and the mixer’s
right output to the RESOLV 120’s RIGHT LINE INPUT. Now connect the RESOLV 120’s
LEFT LINE OUTPUT to the left input of the StudioDock 3i or 4i, and the RESOLV 120’s
RIGHT LINE OUTPUT to the right input of the StudioDock 3i or 4i.
• Run an audio signal (like some music from a CD) through your mixer and raise the
level to a comfortable listening level.
Now adjust the SWEEP control to the desired frequency. A good place to start with
the StudioDock 3i and 4i is about 70 Hz. You can also use your ears by adjusting the
SWEEP control to the frequency that sounds good to you.