
Windows project file for VC6
• tinyxml: tinyxml library, non-STL
• tinyxmlSTL: tinyxml library, STL
• tinyXmlTest: test app, non-STL
• tinyXmlTestSTL: test app, STL
At the top of the makefile you can set: PROFILE, DEBUG, and
TINYXML_USE_STL. Details (such that they are) are in the makefile. In
the tinyxml directory, type "make clean" then "make". The executable file
'xmltest' will be created.
To Use in an Application:
Add tinyxml.cpp, tinyxml.h, tinyxmlerror.cpp, tinyxmlparser.cpp, tinystr.
cpp, and tinystr.h to your project or make file. That's it! It should compile
on any reasonably compliant C++ system. You do not need to enable
exceptions or RTTI for TinyXML.
How TinyXML works.
An example is probably the best way to go. Take: @verbatim Go to the
Toy store! Do bills @endverbatim Its not much of a To Do list, but it will
do. To read this file (say "demo.xml") you would create a document, and
parse it in: @verbatim TiXmlDocument doc( "demo.xml" ); doc.LoadFile();
@endverbatim And its ready to go. Now lets look at some lines and how
they relate to the DOM. @verbatim @endverbatim The first line is a
declaration, and gets turned into the TiXmlDeclaration class. It will be the
first child of the document node. This is the only directive/special tag
parsed by TinyXML. Generally directive tags are stored in TiXmlUnknown
so the commands wont be lost when it is saved back to disk. @verbatim
@endverbatim A comment. Will become a TiXmlComment object. @
verbatim @endverbatim The "ToDo" tag defines a TiXmlElement object.
This one does not have any attributes, but does contain 2 other
elements. @verbatim @endverbatim Creates another TiXmlElement
which is a child of the "ToDo" element. This element has 1 attribute, with
the name "priority" and the value "1". @verbatim Go to the @endverbatim
A TiXmlText. This is a leaf node and cannot contain other nodes. It is a
child of the "Item" TiXmlElement. @verbatim @endverbatim Another
TiXmlElement, this one a child of the "Item" element. Etc. Looking at the
entire object tree, you end up with: @verbatim TiXmlDocument "demo.
xml" TiXmlDeclaration "version='1.0'" "standalone=no" TiXmlComment "
Our to do list data" TiXmlElement "ToDo" TiXmlElement "Item" Attribtutes:
priority = 1 TiXmlText "Go to the " TiXmlElement "bold" TiXmlText "Toy
store!" TiXmlElement "Item" Attributes: priority=2 TiXmlText "Do bills" @
The documentation is build with Doxygen, using the 'dox' configuration
TinyXML is released under the zlib license: This software is provided
'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the
authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this
software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of
this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an
acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated
but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as
such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3.
This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
The World Wide Web Consortium is the definitive standard body for
XML, and their web pages contain huge amounts of information. The
definitive spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-20040204/ I also
recommend "XML Pocket Reference" by Robert Eckstein and published
by OReilly...the book that got the whole thing started.
Contributors, Contacts, and a Brief History
Thanks very much to everyone who sends suggestions, bugs, ideas, and
encouragement. It all helps, and makes this project fun. A special thanks
to the contributors on the web pages that keep it lively. So many people
have sent in bugs and ideas, that rather than list here we try to give credit
due in the "changes.txt" file. TinyXML was originally written by Lee
Thomason. (Often the "I" still in the documentation.) Lee reviews changes
and releases new versions, with the help of Yves Berquin, Andrew
Ellerton, and the tinyXml community. We appreciate your suggestions,
and would love to know if you use TinyXML. Hopefully you will enjoy it
and find it useful. Please post questions, comments, file bugs, or contact
us at: www.sourceforge.net/projects/tinyxml Lee Thomason, Yves
Berquin, Andrew Ellerton.