Samsung Digital Video Recorder
Maximum 480 fps
Live Image Monitoring
High density Live Image per
one channel 30fps (frame/sec)
Convenient Event Search
by the 1st Recording Image
Maximum 1,000 event Lists
Double Monitoring with Live & Playback
Image in a single display with PIP
Live and Playback Image in
a single monitoring with PIP
- Main and PIP Image is
selectable between the
live and Playback PIP
Image can be shifted
Easy Remote Control ( IR )
4 DVRs can be controlled by
one remote controller (IR)
2X Digital Zoom
With the Sub-Window, the
image can be enlarged with
two times zoom
Powerful Digital Search and Playback
with Jog-shuttle
Playback forward or backward with the
change of the velocity
Various Back-up Devices
Removable HDD, CD-RW
Pre-event Recording
Pre 5 second recording per each channel
320 240 Mode step8 step7 step6 step5 step4 step3 step2 step1
VIDEO Days fps 15KB 10KB 8KB 7KB 6KB 5KB 4.5KB 4KB
1 3 3.7 2.5 2.0 1.7 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.0
10 12.4 8.2 6.6 5.8 4.9 4.1 3.7 3.3
15 18.5 12.4 9.9 8.7 7.4 6.2 5.6 4.9
30 37.1 24.7 19.8 17.3 14.8 12.4 11.1 9.9
7 3 26.0 17.3 13.8 12.1 10.4 8.7 7.8 6.9
10 86.5 57.7 46.1 40.4 34.6 28.8 26.0 23.1
15 129.8 86.5 69.2 60.6 51.9 43.3 38.9 34.6
30 259.6 173.0 138.4 121.1 103.8 86.5 77.9 69.2
10 3 37.1 24.7 19.8 17.3 14.8 12.4 11.1 9.9
10 123.6 82.4 65.9 57.7 49.4 41.2 37.1 33.0
15 185.4 123.6 98.9 86.5 74.2 61.8 55.6 49.4
30 370.8 247.2 197.8 173.0 148.3 123.6 111.2 98.9
30 3 111.2 74.2 59.3 51.9 44.5 37.1 33.4 29.7
10 370.8 247.2 197.8 173.0 148.3 123.6 111.2 98.9
15 556.2 370.8 296.6 259.6 222.5 185.4 166.9 148.3
30 1112.4 741.6 593.3 519.1 444.9 370.8 333.7 296.6
60 3 222.5 148.3 118.7 103.8 89.0 74.2 66.7 59.3
10 741.6 494.4 395.5 346.1 296.6 247.2 222.5 197.8
15 1112.4 741.6 593.3 519.1 444.9 370.8 333.7 296.6
30 2224.7 1483.2 1186.5 1038.2 889.9 741.6 667.4 593.3
HDD Size Calculator
320 288 Mode step8 step7 step6 step5 step4 step3 step2 step1
VIDEO Days fps 18KB 12KB 9KB 8KB 7KB 6KB 5.5KB 5KB
1 3 4.4 3.0 2.2 2.0 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.2
10 14.8 9.9 7.4 6.6 5.8 4.9 4.5 4.1
15 22.2 14.8 11.1 9.9 8.7 7.4 6.8 6.2
25 37.1 24.7 18.5 16.5 14.4 12.4 11.3 10.3
7 3 31.1 20.8 15.6 13.8 12.1 10.4 9.5 8.7
10 103.8 69.2 51.9 46.1 40.4 34.6 31.7 28.8
15 155.7 103.8 77.9 69.2 60.6 51.9 47.6 43.3
25 259.6 173.0 129.8 115.4 100.9 86.5 79.3 72.1
10 3 44.5 29.7 22.2 19.8 17.3 14.8 13.6 12.4
10 148.3 98.9 74.2 65.9 57.7 49.4 45.3 41.2
15 222.5 148.3 111.2 98.9 86.5 74.2 68.0 61.8
25 370.8 247.2 185.4 164.8 144.2 123.6 113.3 103.0
30 3 133.5 89.0 66.7 59.3 51.9 44.5 40.8 37.1
10 444.9 296.6 222.5 197.8 173.0 148.3 136.0 123.6
15 667.4 444.9 333.7 296.6 259.6 222.5 203.9 185.4
25 1112.4 741.6 556.2 494.4 432.6 370.8 339.9 309.0
60 3 267.0 178.0 133.5 118.7 103.8 89.0 81.6 74.2
10 889.9 593.3 444.9 395.5 346.1 296.6 271.9 247.2
15 1334.8 889.9 667.4 593.3 519.1 444.9 407.9 370.8
25 2224.7 1483.2 1112.4 988.8 865.2 741.6 679.8 618.0
* According to the resolution mode and recording days, HDD capacity is changeable.
(Unit : GB)