
To Play a Playlist
Make your own Playlist by genre or artist.
Listening to Music
Press and hold the [ ] button to move to the Menu screen.
Tap on the
to select <Music>, then press the
[Touch Pad].
The Music Menu will appear.
Tap on the
to select your desired music menu, then
press the [Touch Pad].
Music list and file are displayed.
For music list, tap on the
to your desired music list, and
press the [Touch Pad] to display file(s).
Tap on the
to select music file(s) to add to playlist,
then Press and hold the [Touch Pad].
<Added to Playlist> is displayed in the bottom and selected music
file blinks twice to be added in <Playlists>
<Mobile Playlist>.
To make your own Playlist
Added to Playlist
Rising Sun1
Rising Sun2
Rising Sun3
Rising Sun4
You can use <Media Studio> to create your selection of music files by the folder before
downloading it to the player. Then, the selection will be added to the <Playlists> of the player.
For more information on creating a playlist in <Media Studio>, see the Help section.
To delete the file, which is set to playlist, tap on the
in <Playlists>
<Mobile Playlist> to
select file to delete, and press and hold the [Touch Pad]. <Removed> appears in the bottom of
screen and selected file is deleted.
Be sure to add file to Playlist when file is selected. It is not allowed to add file when you select to
display information screen for running music or music list.