To dial or save phone numbers with pauses:
1. Enterall orpart of a phone number.
2. Press Options (right softkey)> Hard Pause or
2-Sec. Pause.
3. Enteradditional numbers.
4. Press to dial the number.
Press Options (right softkey)> Save to save the
numberin yourContacts.
Using Abbreviated Dialing
Abbreviated Dialing is similarto speed dialing. You can
use eitherof the following abbreviated dialing features.
Contacts Match to retrieve any numbersaved in your
Contacts by entering only the last three to six digits of
the number. (See “To activate the Contacts Match
feature”on page 46.)
to prepend the first five orsix digits (for
example, the area code and prefix)to any fourorfive
digits you enter. (See “To activate the Prepend feature”
on page 46.)
To place a call using Contacts Match Abbreviated Dialing:
1. Enterthe last three to six digits of a Contacts entry’s
phone number.
2. Press to call the displayed number.
To place a call using Prepend Abbreviated Dialing:
1. Enterthe last fourorfive digits of the number.
2. Press .
If the Abbrev. Dial list is displayed, select the name
or the phone number you want to call from the list,
and then press
TALK to place a call.
When dialing a number with a hard pause, press
TALKtosend the next set of numbers.
Section 2A. Phone Basics 25