192 Section 2J: Using the miniSD Card
Setting Up the Digital Print Order Format
The Digital Print Order Format(DPOF) is a tool that allows you
to setup your digital picture printorders in advance. You can
use itto setoptions such as which pictures to print, the
number of prints for each picture, and index printing settings.
To setup the DPOF:
1. With the miniSD inserted, press to access the main
2. Select Tools.
3. Select miniSD().
4. Select DPOF Print Order().
5. Select Standard Print ( ) or Index Print ().
6. Press Options (right softkey) and select an option from
the following.
Select Picture to select the pictures you wantto print.
(You may selectup to 99 pictures.)
Picture Info to display the picture information.
Unselect Picture to unselect the picture you have
SetNo. of Copiesto set the numbers of copies you
wantto print. (The maximum number of copies that
you can select is 99 copies.)