
Abbreviated Dialing
When you enter four digits of a phone number, the screen displays
“Abbrev. Dial.” Your phone dials the phone number in your internal
Phone Book that ends with the four digits you entered.
To make a call using Abbreviated Dialing:
1. Enter the last four digits of an internal Phone Book entry’s
phone number.
2. Press to display the dialing options.
3. Highlight Abbrev. Dial and press or .
Note:If there are more than two matched numbers in your internal Phone Book,
the number that comes first alphabetically will be dialed. If there is no matched
number, your phone dials the number you set for abbreviated dial with the last
4-digits you entered. See page 53 to set this feature.
Dialing From the Internal Phone Book
To dial directly from an internal Phone Book entry:
1. Press to access the main menu.
2. Highlight Phone Book and press .
3. Highlight Find Name and press .
Shortcut:Press on the Navigation key to list entries.
4. Use your Navigation key to scroll through the Phone Book list,
highlight the desired entry, and press .
5. Select the box under the label you want to call.
6. Press Options (right softkey) for the menu options.
7. Highlight Call or Call:Speaker On and press to make a call.
For more options, see “Internal Phone Book Entry Options”
on page 77.
Using Speed Dialing
With this feature, you can dial Speed Dial entries using one key press
for locations 2-9. See page 52 for setting this feature.
To use Speed Dial:
Press and hold the appropriate key for approximately two
seconds. The display confirms that the number has been dialed
when it shows “Connecting...”.
Section 2: Understanding Your PCS Phone
2A:Your PCS Phone – The Basics 24