
Making a PCS Ready Link Call (1-to-1 Call)
You can place a 1-to-1 PCS Ready Link call by entering a PCS Ready
Link number or by selecting a contact from the PCS Ready Link List.
To place a PCS Ready Linkcall by selecting a contact:
1. Press R-Link(right softkey)or press to access the PCS Ready
Link List.
2. Press Go to (left softkey),highlight the list from which you want
to place a call (Company List,Personal List,Outgoing,Incoming,or
Missed),and press .
Tip:You can also select Enter R-Link#from the Go tooption to enter a PCS Ready
Link number directly. (See page 135 for details.)
3. Highlight the contact you want to call, and press and hold to
place the call and get the floor. (You will see R-Link calling... and
Connecting... followed by “You have floor.” You can now begin
– or –
Highlight the contact you want to call,and press and release
to place the call.(The call will connect as described above,but
Floor is open.” will appear on the screen and either you or your
contact may press and hold to take the floor and speak.)
To see an entry’s information,press during step 3 above.
Note:During a PCS Ready Link call, the “floor” is the right to speak. When you see
Floor is open.,” the first person to press the Ready Link/Recorder button ( ) can
speak (while holding the button). Only the person who has the floor can speak.
The phone beeps if you press the Ready Link/Recorder button when another
contact has the floor.
4. Continue holding as you speak.When you are finished
speaking,release the Ready Link/Recorder button to allow
other contacts to speak.(When the other party takes the floor,
you will see the speaker’s name and phone number and the text
has floor.”)
5. When you are finished, press .
Note:When neither party has the floor during a PCS Ready Link call,
Floor is open.” appears on the display. If no one takes the floor for 20 seconds,
the PCS Ready Link call ends automatically.
Tip:If you press during step 3 above, you can make a standard voice call.
Section 2J: Using PCS Ready Link 133